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  Acuerdo entre ImperivmWorld y FX Interactive
Posted by: Jordi - 01-06-2019, 12:05 PM - Forum: Announces - No Replies

Con el anuncio de FX Interactive en sus redes sociales:


También anunciamos aquí el acuerdo entre FX Interactive y Jordi Gellida Fontela al mando de ImperivmWorld para la Organización de la comunidad Imperivm y de el mantenimiento del servidor multijugador.

Podeis encontrar más detalles en el apartado "Quienes somos" de nuestra Web:


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Posted by: Jordi - 01-06-2019, 11:40 AM - Forum: Editor Help - Replies (8)

¿Tienes alguna duda de como hacer un mapa o modificación del juego para la comunidad de Imperivm III HD?

Pon en este subforo tus dudas y alguien te ayudará.

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Posted by: Jordi - 01-06-2019, 11:38 AM - Forum: Imperivm HD - Replies (15)

¿No te funciona el Multijugador el juego o tienes algún tipo de problema con éste?

Aquí es el sitio para que pidas ayuda.

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  Reporte de bugs
Posted by: Jordi - 01-06-2019, 11:37 AM - Forum: Imperivm HD - Replies (57)

Report here Imperivm III HD Bugs

Reporta aquí los bugs de la Beta de Imperivm III HD

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  Ideas Imperivm III HD Beta
Posted by: Jordi - 01-06-2019, 11:37 AM - Forum: Imperivm HD - Replies (27)

Post your ideas-suggestions to be implemented on new game versions

Pon aquí tus ideas o sugerencias para ser implementadas en nuevas versiones del juego.

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Lightbulb Question About old OST saga
Posted by: Universe - 12-28-2018, 12:36 AM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Hello to the whole community.

I write in this section to add a data that I would like to be implemented in the game in some way. Since I can not find a respective post, I decided to post it in this section.

I would like, if possible, this version of Imperivm by steam to add the old OST of Imperivm II and Imperivm I. There are soundtracks that I love to hear when I play Imperivm III.

I have all the games of the saga and what I used to do was send the OST (* .ogg) of Imperivm I and Imperivm II to the corresponding folder of Imperivm III to add more soundtracks while playing (especially because the soundtrack of Larax when I started playing the story mode of Imperivm I loved it, it's very epic for me to start a conquest).

For that reason I was wondering if there would be any possibility of implementing those music in any way to the game either base or by DLC ost.

Thank you

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Thumbs Up Hi Imperivm Comunity
Posted by: Universe - 12-28-2018, 12:30 AM - Forum: Presentations - No Replies

Hello to the whole community of Imperivm.

I introduce myself as Universe (UniverseOfGamer in steam). I am an old player of FX interactive games. Since the 90s I have been playing these games.
Tzar, Worldshift, Imperivms, Sacred Gold, Patrician III, etc ...

Time ago request the BETA and now that I have free time (Christmas holidays) I have decided to start again with the BETA of impervim and test all the campaigns (stories).

I hope to meet many colleagues here with whom to play multiplayer in some future. Greetings to the community.

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  Hi community.
Posted by: Argana - 11-17-2018, 05:25 PM - Forum: Presentations - Replies (1)

Buenas, no creo que casi nadie me conozca, pero casi todo el contenido que hago es en base al editor, tenía otros nombres tales como 'Zhenrok' o 'Zarilt', tengo tutoriales en mi canal de youtube(esto no lo hago por spam, es por si alguien le interesa) Y seguramente trabajaré temas ayudando por este foro(y aprendiendo) con todos ustedes, un placer unirme a la comunidad.


Hi, I do not think almost anyone knows me, but almost all the content I do is based on the editor, had other names such as 'Zhenrok' or 'Zarilt', I have tutorials on my YouTube channel (this is not done by spam , it is in case someone is interested) And I will surely work on topics helping with this forum (and learning) with all of you, a pleasure to join the community.

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  Imperivm HD Beta 1.53 Release
Posted by: Jordi - 11-16-2018, 04:00 PM - Forum: Announces - No Replies



Fix and translate Adventures
New scenarios
Some translations and bug fix
Default game speed: 140% (+40%)
Repair "Gate" price: 100 (-400)
"Kills/Deaths" stats can be toggled with F4 button



"Fights" price: 2000 (-1000)
“Gambling” price: 2000 (-500)
"Gambler's Day Chance" probability: 50% (+15%)
"Shield Bearer" Attack: 20 (+2); price: 140 (-20)


"Free Trade" price: 1500 (-1500)
"Sacred Legion" price: 3000 (-1000)
"Ferocity" price: 2000 (-1000)
"Shared Strentgh" price: 1000 (-1000)
"Shared Triumph" price: 1000 (-1000)
"Mahout School" price: 500 (-300)
"Mahout" Defense: 40 (+20); Health: 3000 (+1000)


Removed "Learning" hability to Swordsman


"Swordsman" price: 80f (-40f)

Republican Rome

"Chariot" price: 300 (-100)
"Chariot Wheels" price: 3000 (-1000)


Launcher and VPN Client Programmer: Daniel Jerez Garrido
VPN Server Programmer and Mantainer: Jordi Gellida Fontela
Game Programmer: Jordi Gellida Fontela
Balance & QA: Jose Antonio Gallardo Ruiz, Fabio Marigo, Jordi Gellida Fontela
Traductions Team and Feedback: Julio Alberto Perea Mancera

Community Help:

-Fix "Defense of Gergovia" Adventure in order to make it playeble with Princep improvements: Lukkyfrost
5 New Maps: Lusitano
Special thanks to community members for additional help and feedback: OskaOtzuna, OldSanta, Vendetta, MagnusSungam, Fenix, Edvard. And also  to all others Beta players who send daily feedback.

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Posted by: Jordi - 10-04-2018, 10:04 AM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Discuss here any other subject that do not belong to other subforums.Help.

Habla aquí sobre cualquier tema que no corresponda a cualquier otro apartado. Ayuda General.

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